Yes, we chuckled when we saw this video.
But make no mistake, the Brexit negotiations are incredibly serious. Last week, News Roundup panelist James Kitfield told us “It’s easy almost to laugh…because of the political theater, but it’s deadly serious.”
You’ll recall that failing to deliver Brexit meant former Prime Minister Theresa May was out of her job. Now, the U.K. is led by Boris Johnson.
From The New York Times’ rundown of how Johnson’s tenure has gone, and what tasks are ahead:
Many lawmakers were outraged over Mr. Johnson’s insistence that if need be, he would pull Britain from the European Union even without a formal agreement — a move many warn could mean major economic damage. And his attempts to in effect shut Parliament out of the process did not win him many friends.
When lawmakers rose up, seizing control of the legislative process, and Mr. Johnson lost his majority in Parliament, he responded by tossing out rebels from his Conservative Party and demanding a new general election.
The deadline for withdrawal is currently Oct. 31. Mr. Johnson insists he can cut a deal with the European Union before then. But time is rapidly running out.
It’s complicated. So we’re going step by step on how the British Parliament got where it is on Brexit, the possibility the U.K. will leave the E.U. without a deal and more.
Produced by Jonquliyn Hill.
Rob Watson, London correspondent, BBC; @robwatsonbbc
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