Over the last year, the nonpartisan Public Policy Forum has been examining how arts and culture are paid for in the Milwaukee area. The first two reports in the group’s series focused on the public financing component.
But a great deal of business and private philanthropy support is given to arts and culture programs and institutions in Milwaukee.
"The arts is something that reflects the diversity of our community. We need arts and cultural organizations to both serve diverse audiences and reflect the diversity of our community," researcher Anne Chapman says. She is with the Public Policy Forum.
The forum released a report, called How Much Is Enough: An Exploration of Philanthropic Capacity for Arts and Culture in Greater Milwaukee, on the state of private giving for arts and culture in Milwaukee.
"Some of the foundations and corporations that have been large, stalwart supporters of arts and culture in the past are starting to shift their giving away from arts and culture towards other issues such as education and workforce development," Chapman says.