For all the political turmoil at home and in places like Germany, the UK, Zimbabwe, and the Middle East, the economic news - at many levels - has been generally positive in 2017. Economies, in both developed and developing countries, have expanded in the past 11 months.
According to Bill Adams, economist specializing in non-U.S. economies for PNC Bank, the United States, Euro Zone and Japan are growing over trend in 2017. This is a result of increased stability over the past eight years along with "unconventional economic policies" from central banks, he says. These unconventional policies include quantitative easing, negative interest rates, improved customer and business spending, and hiring and wage growth.
"One of the first questions we have is that, will the global expansion be a victim of its own success?" Adams wonders.
He was in Milwaukee recently, and joined Lake Effect's Mitch Teich in the studio to address the economic questions that he sees amidst the success: