We wrap up our Project Milwaukee: Southern Connections series on development in the region between Milwaukee and Chicago with one of its highlights: our community forum. It was held Wednesday, June 8, 2011 before a live studio audience at the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread in Racine. WUWM invited a panel of civic leaders, planners and business leaders to discuss the pros and cons of cultivating the corridor from Milwaukee to the state line. In part one of the forum, we ask questions of each panelist, followed by a broader conversation.The panel included:
- Ken Yunker - Executive Director of SEWRPC, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.
- Pat O'Brien - President of the Milwaukee Development Corporation and Executive Director of the Milwaukee 7.
- Rocky Marcoux - Commissioner of the Development Department for the City of Milwaukee.
- Patricia Jursik - Milwaukee County Supervisor who represents the city's south shore suburbs.
- Ray Forgianni - Founder, president, and manager of Kenosha Harbor Market, a European-style farmer's market – but he was Kenosha's City Planner and Director of City Development for 33 years.
- John Dickert - Mayor of the city of Racine and President of the Alliance of Cities.
- Lynn Broaddus - Environmental Program Director at the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread.