WUWM has been partnering with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee PBS and the Milwaukee Public Library on an initiative called Listen MKE. Its goal: help north side residents get the information they want and need.
On Feb. 24, Listen MKE welcomed writer and spoken word artist Kondwani Fidel.
As a young writer and speaker, Fidel is one of the nation’s smartest young Black voices, and author of The Antiracist: How to Start the Conversation About Race and Take Action. Fidel spoke with James Causey, author of the Journal Sentinel’s yearlong in-depth series, Milwaukee's Promise, which dives into the role racism plays in creating the problems facing people of color in Milwaukee.
After their convesation, Fidel and Causey were joined by Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley, Deputy Director of Milwaukee Department of Health and Human Services David Muhammad, Chief Racial Justice Officer for YWCA Southeast Wisconsin Martha Barry and film director Tyshun Wardlaw for a panel discussion.