Today is 414 Day, also known as Milwaukee Day. The annual festivities started 12 years ago when two friends, Andy Silverman and Brent Gohde, decided to celebrate the city they love. 414 Day has evolved since then with everything from music events and specials at local breweries.
Now, a new person is in charge of organizing the celebration and she’s excited to make Milwaukee Day even bigger and well-known.
Mocha Harris is the owner of Milwaukee Expanded and is the primary point person for 414 Day. She shares more on the plans for this special day in Milwaukee.
"This year, I just want to focus on helping small businesses and small brands get the awareness that they deserve, especially coming back from like 2020 and the pandemic where if you wasn't a bigger company, you kind of lost a lot of money," Harris says.
Business like Harley Davidson are doing $4.14 discounts at their museum and others like the Milwaukee Brewers are hosting a 414 market, which a Wisconsin representative will be speaking at.
Other goals Harris has for 414 Day include making the day more digitally visible and bringing the Milwaukee community together as a family. "Mayor Cavalier Johnson has also presented me the proclamation for it begin as a citywide holiday and the governor, he presented me the proclamation for it to begin statewide. So, there's a lot of different things going on," she shares.
Harris hopes the city will come together and make this into big holiday and that, she says, will help more people know about Milwaukee.