The city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County both recently released their budget proposals for 2023. The fiscal forecast is bleak, although both budgets included cuts to essential services, more painful cuts are looming on the horizon as emergency federal funds begin to dwindle. The Wisconsin Policy Forum recently reviewed the budget proposals for both the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County.
According to Wisconsin Policy Forum president Rob Henken, the current status of the budgets is the "calm before the storm." It indicates that the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County could face a dire financial outlook after 2023. Henken explains the significant cuts of services that are imminent for the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County from the proposed budgets.
City of Milwaukee 2023 budget overview
- Milwaukee Public Library system — reducing hours for four branches.
- Milwaukee Police Department — a reduction of 17 sworn officers.
- Milwaukee Fire Department — a reduction of 1.5 engine companies along with the personnel required to operate them.
Milwaukee County 2023 budget overview
- Milwaukee County Transit System — Freeway Flyer services and festivals services eliminated in 2023 after being limited in 2022.
- Infrastructure — a proposed new forensic science center to house the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner along with a new Human Services building.