At NPR and NPR Member Stations nationwide, our journalists, producers, and storytellers spend their days and nights finding the stories that matter – around the world and in your own backyard. Energized by a mission to create a more informed public, we seek to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation of the events, ideas, and cultures that we encounter every day; the human side of the story. And what we've found in over four decades of bringing you the news is that only when these stories hit your airwaves and ear buds and mobile screens do they really come alive: through you, our listeners.
Over the next two weeks, we'll be collecting your stories and compiling them into a broader narrative called Story Nation. We'll even invite some of you to record your story for possible broadcast on the radio. We can't thank you enough for your support over the years. So now we're turning the mic towards you, to hear YOUR stories about why you listen to OUR stories.
So tell us: Why do you listen to NPR? Has there been a moment when a particular story has moved you or when public radio has made a difference in your life?
Send us an email at or put it out on your favorite social platform tagging @npr and using the hashtag #whylisten.
We can't wait to hear from you!
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